Saturday, 6 August 2022

On a beautiful Saturday morning in August, our international campuses in Kelapa Gading and Tanjung Duren were filled with parents and prospective students who enjoyed the “Joyful Learning” hands-on activities prepared to give each child the PENABUR International learning experience.
Speeches from Head of School, Mr. Philip Myers, and Chairman, Mr. Antono Yuwono, marked the opening of the student’s enrolment for the 2023 – 2024 academic year. There were different learning stations in the Primary school where prospective students had authentic experiences with supportive teachers.

In the Secondary schools, various universities joined the Edu-fair to give information about the next step of education after the high school.
This is part of our commitment to helping students developing their capabilities while improving themselves.
Teachers from different departments and disciplines held exhibitions to give a new perspective to parents and prospective students, especially for choosing elective subjects at the secondary level.
This is one of the advantages of our Secondary school where students can choose to learn the subjects they like while following their dreams. We support and encourage each student to be their best, in character as well as academic performances.